chaalu rakhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word chaalu rakhana usage in english sentences. The examples of chaalu rakhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., carry on.

Financing, production marketing and human resource management are the four major functions which are performed by business enterprises to carry on business.

Such entities might sometimes carry on trading activities but the profits arising therefrom are used for further the service objectives.
The British had regained control of the country by the end of 1859, but they could not carry on ruling the land with the same policies any more.
In the case of each institution we ask: What does this institution do? How is this institution connected to other institutions? What makes its functioning more or less democratic? The basic objective here is to understand how all these institutions together carry on the work of government.
Inspite of development of sources of irrigation most of the farmers in large parts of the country still depend upon monsoon and natural fertility in order to carry on their agriculture.
He has a roof over his head! The cry of not having money to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles, not even enough to eat, rings in every home.
Such entities might sometimes carry on trading activities but the profits arising therefrom are used for further the service objective.
From time-totime, manufacturers and distributors have to carry on various promotional activities in order to increase the sale of their products.
संबंधित शब्द चालु रखना के पर्यायवाची चालु रखना के विपरीत शब्द